Once processed your order will arrive within 3-8 business days.
If there is a problem with an item, please contact our Customer Service team within 18 days of the order being fulfilled by our shipping department.
We will gladly accept any items purchased from that are unworn, unwashed, or unlaundered & any items that are not damaged due to customer neglect.
Please do NOT attempt to return any item without prior authorization - we will not accept any items sent back to us without a return authorization. Obtaining a tracking number for any returned item(s) is suggested as we are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages during transit back to us.
We're happy to offer "Free Returns & Package Protection" coverage available for purchase at checkout! If you purchase coverage, you'll receive a paid return label, if you do not purchase coverage, a $10 label will be removed from your return value.
Returns are processed within 3-6 business days after being received.
Please Note:
Any Ampersand Avenue merchandise purchased from an independent authorized boutique, retailer, or department store must be returned back to the location it was purchased. Please contact the individual boutique or store for their return policy.